I was a Junior at Sandcreek High School in Indiana on February 3, 1959, when we heard that Rock 'n Roll star,
Buddy Holly, was killed in a plane crash in a snowy, Iowa cornfield. It was one of those defining times, like JFK's assassination, 9/11, etc., when one always remembers what they were doing when hearing the news. It's hard to believe that it was fifty years ago. I was just beginning to enjoy music (the Beatles didn't come along until a few years later) and Holly's music/
lyrics were quite unique at that time. An account of the accident is given
Bob Dylan, the Beatles, and the Rolling Stones have indicated that Holly was a major influence in their music. In 1986
Holly was inducted into the
Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. J.P.Richardson (the Big Bopper) and Richie Valens also died in the crash.
Don McLean immortalized the day the music died with this
# posted by Steve @ 10:24 PM